PackEth tutorial part I – The Interface and The Packet Builder

In my previous post I have mentioned ingenious piece of software called PackEth and I have also promised that will write up a separate article about it as I just think this amazing tool deserves as much attention as I can give it.  So what this software do?  Well let me quote the author ” PackETH is GUI and CLI packet generator tool for Ethernet…It allows you to create and send any possible packet or sequence of packets on the Ethernet link.” I would add that that it is the only tool I have found that actually allows you to assemble Ethernet frames and a IP packets that actually does what you would expect it to do while being multi-platform and incredibly stable. I think I have never seen it crashing which speaks for itself.  This article will focus around version 1.6 as that is the one that has both Linux and Windows versions available. The drawback is that the L3 IPv6 support is not included. read more